Peach & Ginger Chutney

  • Pickles, Chutney, Relish & Sauces

This luscious and spicy chutney is easy to prepare and captures the summer sunshine and golden colour of sun ripened peaches. Fresh ginger, garlic and chilli add the zing and depth of flavour that makes this chutney different from traditional-style peach chutney.  

Our early ripening peach tree produces more than can be eaten fresh, so a batch of Peach and Ginger Chutney is made every year and served as an accompaniment to cold roast meats, ham, pork, chicken or turkey and presented at family BBQ’s throughout the year.  

Preparation Time:
30 minutes
Cooking Time:
40-50 minutes
7x200 ml jars


Sterilise and dry glass jars and non-corrosive lids.


1 kg
Peaches, medium ripe
900 ml
White wine vinegar
Whites sugar
1 teaspoon
Allspice, whole berries
2 teaspoon
Mustard powder
1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric, ground
Brown onions, medium
Garlic cloves
Red Chillies,fresh
10 cm
Ginger root, fresh
2 teaspoons


  1. Place vinegar, sugar, allspice, mustard and turmeric in a large pan and heat gently. Stir continuously until the sugar is dissolved.

  2. Peel, stone and cut the peaches into quarters. Peel and finely chop the onions and garlic, peel and grate the ginger. Cut the chillies in half and remove the seed with a teaspoon and then finely chop. Place all these ingredients plus the salt into the vinegar preparation.

  3. Bring the mixture to the boil, stirring occasionally, then reduce the heat and simmer for 40-50 minutes until the chutney has thickened. Stir the mixture frequently to prevent the fruit from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

  4. Use a funnel to pour the cooked chutney into dry sterilised screw cap sealable bottles, fill to approximately 2.5cm (1 inch) from the top of the bottle and seal.

  5. Allow to cool and label and store in a cool dark place in the kitchen or pantry.

    Allow the chutney to mature for at least 2 weeks before eating.


  • If the peaches are medium ripe the skin will peel off easily. Use the same technique used to peel a banana. Discard the skin. You can leave the skin on but there will be pieces of cooked skin throughout the chutney. It is still edible, but will not look as elegant as a chutney where the skin has been removed.
  • It is important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling and de-seeding chillies. Chilli oil is easily transferred from the chillies to hands. If you touch your eyes or any delicate areas, the chilli oil will be transferred on contact and create a burning sensation.
  • To test the chutney is cooked to the right consistency, spoon a little of the mixture on to a plate. The chutney should hold its shape.
  • Towards the end of the cooking process, it may be necessary to stir regularly. It is important that the fruit does not stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. Your chutney will be tainted with a burnt flavour will is not very pleasant.